Spotify Asia - Jeepney Designs for SB19’s EP Launch

Commissioned by Spotify to create custom Jeepney Designs for the EP launch campaign of one of the Philippines’ top Pop groups - SB19.

Each artist was assigned a song off the EP, and we were tasked with translating these songs into visual art. The artworks were to be attached as custom Jeepney skins, as the Jeepney is the ultimate symbol of urban Philippine culture. As part of the campaign, the Jeepneys were to rove around Metro Manila on their designated routes, giving free rides to lucky commuters, and promoting the band’s EP and the artwork we created.

My song was BAZINGA! - a high energy rap-inspired track whose message was a clapback to the group’s haters and doubters. I worked with a member of SB19 to understand the song, the message, and their personal thoughts on the track, so that I could use the information in my design process. Ultimately we decided on a comic book and videogame theme - full of fun colors, patterns, nostalgic imagery, and easter eggs for the fans of the group. My goal was to capture the song’s playfulness and in-your-face vibe.

The Jeepneys, as well as us artists, were featured in a launch video for the EP. You may watch it below.


Universal Music Group Office Murals


Adobe Photoshop #YourWorldYourCanvas Campaign