
My name Jappy Agoncillo is an Artist, Illustrator, and Muralist based in New York City, born in Manila, Philippines in 1995.

My work can be described as colorful and dynamic - displaying bold, playful, and iconic visuals reminiscent of things from comics to cartoons, street art to skateboarding, and punk rock to posters, all things of which I was heavily influenced by. My painting and fine art work has been displayed in gallery shows in Manila and New York City, with my street art work gracing walls and roll-down gates around the world. In my work as an Illustrator and Muralist, I’ve worked with a number of notable clients including Playstation, Marvel, Adobe, Samsung, Warner Bros., and the New York Rangers.

I also regularly do artist talks, intent on helping others the way I wish I had when I was starting out - speaking for Adobe Max and Graphika Manila, among others.

When it comes to art, as with most other things, I believe that hard work works, and there’s no substitute for it. I believe in continuous improvement, and that art should be accessible to everyone. I believe in creating art as a means of expression, as well as a way to communicate messages, stories, and bridge gaps between people. I like creating work that brings out a sense of wonder in people, work that empowers them, makes them feel seen or understood - where they can put themselves in the place of my subjects, whether that be strong, silly, simple, or nostalgic.

See a select list of clients here

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